Cleaning Tips for Kitchen and More

These Cleaning Tips for Kitchen and More have got you covered! Even when there’s no time to clean! Here you will find easy tips and helpful hints that will keep your home looking tidy and cozy.

Cleaning Your Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms showing a woman drying a dish.

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Cleaning your house doesn’t have to take hours every day. With these simple Cleaning Tips for Kitchen and More, you can save time and energy while keeping your home clean and comfortable.

Start with the Kitchen

If you feel like your home is in a state of continual mess, start by tackling the kitchen first.

It’s often the hardest room to clean because there are so many surfaces to wipe down.

Use the top down approach in each room. Clean from the top of the room down to the floor. Doing this brings all the dust and dirt down first before you sweep or mop.

My cleaning strategy goes like this: Use an extendable duster to clean ceiling and ceiling fans. Next, wipe down walls. Followed by shelves, cabinets, and range hood.

After that, let’s tackle the countertops, tables, any small appliances, and large appliances. Finishing with sweeping / mopping the floor.

Tip: my favorite cleaning utensil is an old toothbrush. When it’s time to replace the toothbrushes in your home, save a few.

You will be amazed what a great tool it is for getting in all of the nooks and really achieving a detail focused cleaning.

Take Care of the Bathroom

Next up, tackle the bathroom. Again, follow the top down method and start with the shower and tub.

Make sure to wipe down the walls and any shelves or cabinets.

Then, wipe down mirrors, scrub the sink, faucets, and counter.

Scrub the toilet bowl inside and out. Finally, give the floor a good sweep and then mop.

The bathroom is another area where having an old toothbrush as a cleaning tool comes in handy. Especially around faucets, and in the sink. An old toothbrush works especially well to clean the sink’s overflow drain holes.

The bathroom is one of those places where it is easy to neglect maintenance until there’s something wrong. That’s why it’s important to keep things clean and organized.

Cleaning Your Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms changing pillow cases on a bed.

Finish up in the Bedroom

Now, let’s move on to the bedroom. You will want to follow the top down method here as well. Wipe down ceiling and light fixtures using a damp cloth. Give the walls a good cleaning.

Remove curtains to wash. Then, dust the shelves and furniture. Remove all bedding to wash. Make sure to vacuum, especially around baseboards, under the bed and behind furniture.

The bedroom is one of those rooms that is easy to overlook, simply because we can shut the door and hide the mess. Been there, done that.

Figuring out a system that works for you and sticking to it will become routine in no time.

The great thing about a cleaning routine is that it is highly repeatable, which means over time you will get more efficient.

Cleaning Your Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms woman in purple short wiping a mirror.

Helpful Tips and Hints

I know I already mentioned this but an old toothbrush is seriously one of the best cleaning tools you can have!

Any cleaner sprays or powders you prefer will work fine, but I will link what I use when I don’t make my own. Bon Ami Powder Cleanser, Meliora All-Purpose Home Cleaner Spray, and Norwex Microfiber Cloths (no, I am not a consultant, just a happy customer).

My latest fun cleaning gadget: Sweepulire Cordless Spinning Cleaning Brush

Whatever tools work best for you, I hope these Cleaning Tips for Kitchen and More help make cleaning a little more efficient.

Cleaning Your Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms towels and baskets stacked on shelves in a linen closet

Final Thoughts and Reflections

When I first started keeping a home, I would just tackle the first thing I saw. I can’t tell you how many times I had to dust and sweep that same day.

I would hop from one room to the next without finishing the room I was currently in.

I had 100 projects started but nothing finished. I could spend what felt like an hour at the sink washing dishes (my least favorite task) and feel like I barely made a dent.

What I have found is that household tasks are about 50% mental and 50% the tools and skills you have learned.

Here’s what I mean by that, if when you are young, household tasks are referred to as a negative thing.

If you are never taught how to complete a task, or the best / easiest / fastest way to complete that task then you not only lack the know-how but the positive outlook on completing the task.

If you have memories of household tasks being a group effort, with your parent(s) working alongside you.

And if you can remember having a joyful attitude when working on any task, this shapes your view on household tasks.

Depending on your frame of reference, these tasks may be either a drudgery and possibly even something you hate, OR they are a time to spend with a parent or a sibling or your own child while caring for the people and the home that you love.

withered leaves photo

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that’s the way new leaves grow.”

– Amit Ray

I realize that a mindset shift like that takes time. It definitely has for me and I am still a work in progress.

Want to know something? When I got married 14 years ago, I had no idea how to keep a home. No clue how to cook, how to do laundry, how often to clean anything.

I also hated cleaning of any kind, especially washing dishes. Every time I would stand in front of my sink, I could remember being in grade school and having to stand there until every dish was washed.

I remember hearing my stepdad tell me I wouldn’t have to wash dishes if I would have been a boy. I remember thinking that the only reason I probably even had to wash dishes is because no one else wanted to.

I say all of this to let you know that I get it. Sometimes we are tired, stretched thin, worn out from the day.

But sometimes it also goes deeper than that, sometimes we have past events or memories that have wounded us. Sometimes we were not given the necessary tools and instruction.

Sometimes the mentor we needed wasn’t there, either physically or emotionally. I get it.

If any of this has you nodding your head, and you can relate, then let’s encourage each other! Let’s help each other get to a place of joy in our homes. Maybe a joy you didn’t have growing up.

Let’s come together and create that joy and that coziness for our own families.

Cleaning Your Kitchen, Bathrooms, and Bedrooms wooden floors with a dry mop being pushed across floor.

one last thing…

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