How to Plan Your Week as a Homemaker
Do you feel like you never have enough time in the day to get everything done as a homemaker? YES. Are you looking for ways to make your life easier and more efficient so that you can manage your home and family more effectively? DEFINITELY. Come join me in the living room (I’ll let you have the comfy chair) as we discuss How to Plan Your Week as a Homemaker.
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As a homemaker, it is essential to plan your week in order to balance all of your duties and commitments.
We will cover topics such as household tasks, family quality time, and running errands. We will also discuss meal planning, grocery shopping, and doing all the things more efficiently.
Let’s explore some easy ways to plan your week!
1. Prioritize Tasks. Take note of what you need to do, determine their importance and order of completion, and plan accordingly.
2. Create To-Do Lists. Make a list of all of the errands and tasks that need to be done during the week. You can do this by using a planner or your phone.
3. Break Down Tasks into Intervals of Time or Days of the Week. Assign certain tasks to specific days of the week. Doing so will make sure everything is organized and accounted for. Rather than trying to cram it all in at once.
4. Gather Essential Items in Advance. Have everything you need for each chore before getting started. Then time is not wasted running errands or searching the house for items.
5. Get Help Where You Can. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Family members or friends who may be willing to help out with childcare or home maintenance tasks!
6. Schedule Time for Yourself. Set time aside in your schedule so that you can relax and enjoy yourself without any pressure or guilt. Know that you need time to rest and recharge, it’s just as important as any task on your list.
Self Motivation is Essential in Homemaking
Being a homemaker is very different from being an employee.
At home, you have no boss to answer to and there are no set hours of work per day. It’s important to develop a plan for your week as a homemaker. You and your family can benefit from your hard work and dedication.
Balancing a household requires time, intentionality, and clear goals. Setting priorities and goals as a homemaker are crucial in order to maximize efficiency in the home.
Here are some tips for setting priorities and goals as a homemaker:
Set Daily Goals
Setting clear goals is essential when planning your week as a homemaker.
Break down bigger tasks into smaller steps so that they don’t feel so daunting. Write down everything that needs done in the laundry room or creating a grocery list before heading out to shop.
Make sure you account for any special events or occasions coming up during the week. Having these things written down will help keep them front of mind when scheduling other activities throughout the day.
Set Realistic Goals – When setting your household goals, make sure they are realistic and attainable. Don’t set yourself up for failure by trying to do too much in too short a time frame. Take things one step at a time, and give yourself grace!
Create To-Do Lists by Prioritizing Household Tasks
By making lists and prioritizing tasks, you can struggle less with organizing and running your household efficiently.
Start with 3-4 priorities for each day and organize them into categories such as Cleaning, Meal Preparation/Grocery Shopping, Financial Organization/Budgeting, Home Maintenance & Repairs, Errands & Shopping, etc. This will help you focus on the most pressing tasks in the house without feeling overwhelmed by all that needs to be done.
Create Schedules for Yourself and Your Family – Scheduling tasks not only lets us plan our day more effectively, but it also helps us know where our time is going so we’re able to prioritize better. Doing so can help you ensure that important tasks get done while leaving space for fun or restful activities.
Give Yourself Grace
Speak Kindly of Yourself – Mistakes happen. Berating yourself, and making negative comments only brings down your mood and the mood of your home.
So when you make mistakes or don’t reach all of your goals, encourage yourself instead of criticizing yourself by speaking kindly about the process and being thankful for the effort rather than angry over the result.
Focus on What You Can Control – Every inflow and outflow requires management if you’re to be efficient with both running the home effectively and achieving your own goals as well!
Use what resources you have available within the home – assigning chores to older children or spouse – to maximize efficiency within your limited time frame.
Redefine Success – Sure, it would be nice if everything got completed on your list; however, with ever-moving variables, success isn’t always measured by the completion of an itemized list.
Redefine success as measured by the accomplishment of “enough” items or even by simply prioritizing a few key objectives during a certain period of time or project set before you, such as completing laundry in one day or keeping up with bills monthly.
Let Technology Help
Technology has made it easier than ever for homemakers to manage their day-to-day lives with apps like Trello or Google Assistant.
These productivity apps allow users to create shareable shopping lists, reminders, notes, and even virtual filing cabinets across multiple devices – they enable constant access and syncing of important data wherever they may be needed!
Also be sure to explore apps focused on time management, such as Asana or Toggl.
Set Reminders for Yourself
Sometimes there’s not enough time in the day for everyone’s regular tasks – especially when tending to children!
To help remind yourself of upcoming appointments or events, set digital alerts (like text messages or apps) – this could also include meal times if necessary!
Additionally, utilizing sticky notes with short lists around the home will guarantee important information won’t slip by unnoticed! You can even take this a step further by creating color coded mini lists for each family member using sticky notes.
Organize a Cleaning Routine
As a homemaker, keeping your home organized and clean can seem like an overwhelming task.
With a few helpful tips, however, you can create a cleaning routine that will help keep your home in order and make the cleaning process much easier.
Set Up a Cleaning Schedule
Creating a cleaning schedule is one of the best ways to keep your home clean and organized every day of the week.
Whether you tackle one task per day or choose certain days for specific tasks, having a plan will allow you to be more efficient with your time.
A good way to start is by writing down all the tasks that need to be done regularly, such as vacuuming, dusting, changing bedsheets, doing laundry, etc.
Lay Out Your Supplies
Having all your cleaning supplies in an easily-reachable spot will help get things done much faster.
Laying out all your products in an area where you’re going to do most of the work – whether it’s under the kitchen sink or inside closet shelves – will also cut down on time wasted looking for tools or supplies.
Prioritize Your Daily Tasks
If there are tasks that need urgent attention (like weekly bed sheets change or monthly rug washing), prioritize those first and then organize other smaller chores throughout the rest of the week.
This approach is also useful when tackling bigger projects such as organizing drawers or closets because it helps spread the work out over several days instead of trying to finish it all at once.
Delegate Tasks to Save Time
If there are family members living with you who can help with some of the daily chores, delegate!
Having everyone involved takes off pressure from one person alone having to do everything.
Plus, everyone feels more accomplished when they have contributed their fair share in keeping up with household responsibilities – making life easier all around!
Set Rewards After Finishing Chores
Finally, don’t forget set rewards for yourself after tackling any big cleaning project or completing daily tasks – even small rewards like taking a 5-minute break for coffee or watching a favorite television show go a long way!
It’s important to remember accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem!
Prepare and Plan Meals
For many homemakers, the kitchen is the center of their homes.
It’s where meals are prepared and shared, families gather to talk and laugh, and newcomers are welcomed. But with all of these benefits come some challenges, namely meal preparation, and planning.
That’s why it’s so important for homemakers to understand how to plan and prepare healthy meals for their families. Here are a few tips for homemakers to help them make meal prep easy:
Streamline Your Grocery Shopping
Create a process for meal planning and grocery planning so it takes the guesswork out of meals. If you plan your meals and snacks ahead of time, this will also greatly reduce food waste which makes your wallet happy too.
I try to create two weeks worth of meals in my meal plan. I like to keep a master list of family favorite meals and snacks, and use those to plan. Then I take a look at the ingredients list for each meal or snack. Next, I check what I have in my fridge, freezer, and cabinets before adding the ingredients to my grocery list.
Be sure to write the ingredients you need down on your grocery list, and now you are ready to shop! I do a lot of online shopping, or pickup orders, so I use this list to place my Misfit Market order for fruit and veggies, or my local store’s pickup order.
Be sure to keep a running inventory, especially for cabinets and freezers, so that you can use up what you have before it spoils.
Every so often, I try to challenge myself to creatively use up what I have on hand before planning the next week’s meals.
Create Meals Based on Your Schedule
One of the best ways to ensure that meal times run smoothly is by accommodating your schedule.
If you know you’re going to be busier on certain days of the week or at certain times of day, create meals that require less cooking (or none at all!)
For example, on days when you have a lot of errands to run but still need a good meal, try making large batches of items like rice or soup, which can be easily reheated throughout the week without much effort.
Take Advantage of Your Freezer
If you find yourself getting into an ‘eating rut,’ try creating larger portions of your meals so that you can store them in your freezer for later use.
Doing this will save time during busy weeks since there’s no need to start from scratch; simply thaw out whatever frozen dish you had saved before, and voila!
Meal time is ready in no time! This technique also helps reduce food waste since leftovers can be easily stored away in the freezer instead of going bad in the fridge.
Prepare Simple Recipes Ahead of Time
Having simple recipes like sandwiches, pizza doughs, or casserole dishes already made up beforehand ensures that you always have something quick-and-easy available for hungry mouths (especially kids!)
You can even store ingredients separately until you are ready to assemble the dish just before serving it – this way, nothing goes stale while waiting around too long!
Prioritize Errands and Chores
As a homemaker, it’s important to learn how to prioritize errands and chores to make sure everything gets done without causing yourself too much stress.
When tackling household tasks, it is easy to become overwhelmed and feel like you have just too many things to do. Here are some tips for making the most of your time so that you can get more done in less time:
Create a To-Do List
Start by writing down all of your weekly errands and chores on a list.
Put the most urgent items at the top, followed by the less critical ones. This helps you know what needs to be done first and helps avoid leaving anything out.
Make Use of Time Blocks
Time blocks are incredibly efficient if used correctly.
Just like creating a list, designate blocks of time each day or week for certain tasks that need to get done.
This can help you stay focused as well as maintain some balance between housekeeping and any other responsibilities that come with being a homemaker.
Utilize 20 Minute Work Bursts
One of the best ways to utilize time blocks is by breaking them down into shorter intervals of 20 minutes or less; select one task per interval with no distractions, such as social media – this helps increase productivity while still allowing adequate breaks.
Be sure to allow yourself enough rest in between each task since taking breaks is essential for avoiding burnout!
Prioritize Tasks Wisely
Finally, pay close attention to which tasks should be completed first, as this can save both time and energy. If all of your clothing is in the dirty laundry pile, then it’s probably not best to start organizing your kitchen first.
It’s also important not to push yourself too hard and remember that self-care is just as important as completing chores around the home!
Create a Budget
Are you a homemaker who is looking for an effective way to manage your finances?
Budgeting as a homemaker can be daunting, but with the right tips and tricks, it’s easy to create and stick to a budget. Here’s what you need to know to create a budget that works for you:
Start by Assessing Your Expenses
Before creating a budget, take some time to review your expenses.
Take note of your monthly bills and any other spending you may have. This will help you estimate what items need more of your attention when setting up your budget.
Once you’ve reviewed your expenses and know how much money is available each month, start tracking them in a spreadsheet or a financial tracking app like EveryDollar so you can track where it’s going.
Set Financial Goals
Once you know how much money is coming in each month and where it’s going, set realistic goals for yourself.
Goals should include things like having enough money saved for upcoming vacations or major purchases, having an emergency fund for unexpected costs, eliminating debt if applicable, increasing retirement savings, etc.
Having these goals will help you stay motivated when creating and sticking to your spending plan each month.
Consider Your Income Sources
Now that you’ve taken stock of all the expenses that come out of your income each month and set some financial goals to work towards, consider other sources of income that can help reach those goals faster while still being able to cover day-to-day costs, such as bills and groceries each month.
If possible, think about getting extra side gigs or picking up odd jobs around the house or on weekends.
Many times people don’t realize the opportunities they have right under their noses, such as decluttering the home or taking on household repairs they normally would pay someone else to do instead – doing this could save money over time which could then be put back into your budget.
Create Flexible Budgets for Each Category
Once all income sources are known, it’ll be easier to determine how much needs to be spent in each category every month (i.e., housing costs/utilities/gas/groceries/child care).
It’s important to create flexible budgets because there will most likely be inconsistencies from month-to-month regarding certain items in the list.
Instead of becoming frustrated soon after starting, scale up and down within individual categories as needed.
Revise The Budget When Necessary
It is important not just to create a budget but also to review it every few months in order to reassess current income versus projected spending.
This review can also be used to make changes along the way based on unforeseen events that might occur.
During the process, make adjustments to ensure that expectations remain realistic.
Establish Habits for Family Time
Family time is one of the most important aspects of a happy, healthy family life.
As a homemaker, it is essential to invest in quality moments with family members and continue to establish habits that make that happen.
Here are some steps to make sure that your family’s schedule incorporates necessary quality time together:
Create A Routine
Creating a daily or weekly routine that every family member can count on helps to create structure and encourage meaningful family interactions.
Consider involving everyone in the household in developing an ideal schedule complete with dedicated bedtimes, meal times, and time for fun activities. That way, everyone is informed about expectations – from themselves and from each other.
Make Specific “Family Moments”
Scheduling specific one-on-one or group moments creates space for connections in your family.
Making it a point to go for a walk together after dinner or have a special breakfast as a family at least once per week has the potential to foster great relationships between parents and children by giving them uninterrupted quality time together without any other distractions present.
Establish Family Rules
Developing clear guidelines around respect, communication, behavior goals, and other values shapes how a family will back each other up in making decisions, while also creating space for resolving conflict effectively.
Having consistent rules encourages accountability while putting emphasis on how important it is to maintain an open dialogue within the household.
Set Time For Yourself As A Homemaker
Not taking care of yourself leads to burnout, which results in not having enough energy for others or properly showing up for commitments you made with yourself or others (if you’re not feeling well).
Self-care routines such as exercising regularly, pampering yourself from time to time, or devoting 15 minutes each day to focus on something you enjoy will help you restore your energy levels and keep in synch with the rest of your household schedule.
Make Time to Learn Something New
If you’re a homemaker, there are plenty of opportunities to learn and explore something new. Even if you are on a limited budget, there are still ways to acquire knowledge and broaden your horizons. Here’s how:
Read Books as Much as You Can
By reading books related to your interests, whether it’s cooking trends, mathematics, or literature, you can expand your knowledge in these areas without any cost.
There are so many fascinating titles available out there for free. Check out your local public library, free library stand, or even gather a group of friends to swap books with.
Research Online Courses
Although most educational courses require some monetary investment, there are several education sites on the web where you can access lesson plans and instructional materials for learning a variety of topics, from programming languages to art history. Keep an eye out for free online learning programs offered through your local educational institutions as well.
Set Up Exchange Programs
Find someone who has expertise related to something that interests you and set up an exchange program with them.
You could teach them about gardening techniques in exchange for lessons about baking bread or decorating techniques in exchange for sewing lessons – whatever works best for both of you!
You can also use the internet to find potential partners with whom you can partner on such projects.
Start a Book Club
Create a book club where members read books related to different topics (e.g.,
The same idea could be applied to other kinds of learning activities, too – maybe a sewing club! This is one way to get more people involved in learning alongside you without spending too much money doing so.
Make Time To Explore the Outdoors
The outdoors offers an incredible amount of learning potential that most people don’t take advantage of enough.
Taking even small walks around your neighborhood will not only give you access to natural beauty but also open up chances for picking up new skills, such as birdwatching or learning about different plant species in your area, depending upon where you live.
My friend Brittany over at The Homestead Challenge talks a lot about what you can find when you take a walk around your neighborhood, over on her Instagram.
Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of observation – looking at things from a different perspective helps spark creativity! Many national or state parks offer programs for learning for people of all ages.
Schedule Time for Yourself
Taking care of yourself should always be included on any list – don’t forget about personal time when planning out your weekly activities! Whether it’s reading a book, going on long walks by yourself, or simply having some delicious coffee with friends – use this ‘me’ time wisely to recharge both mentally and physically each week!
As a homemaker, taking care of your home and family can be hard work.
You may feel overwhelmed with all the tasks you need to complete in a day.
It is essential to take some time for yourself and relax, as well as attend to your personal care needs.
Here are some tips on how to make time for yourself and relax as a homemaker:
Set Aside Time Every Day
Allocating just half an hour every day for self-care can do wonders.
During this half hour, read a book, listen to music, or take a nap if you can.
Schedule the same time every day so that it becomes easier for you to practice self-care consistently.
Turn Chores Into Fun Activities
Make chores enjoyable by getting involved in them actively.
For example, pair up with your children who are old enough and turn cleaning into a game by setting goals like timing a task to see if you can beat the clock or see who can pick up the most the fastest. We love to do this with toys that have lots of pieces, like building blocks or puzzles.
Cultivate a Hobby
Take some time out from household activities and indulge in hobbies that can keep you engaged and increase your creative outlet, such as painting, cooking new recipes, or gardening.
Doing these activities will help renew your energy levels and give you time away from hectic work around the home environment.
Take Short Breaks
Taking short breaks between household chores or taking micro naps throughout the day goes a long way in making sure that you’re not too drained out at the end of the day.
Taking these small pauses also shuts down mental stress, which further enhances relaxation when indulged occasionally during the course of each day.
Go Out More Often
Getting out with family and friends more often helps reduce stress levels by providing a much-needed change of pace!
Try scheduling weekly outdoor activities – such as afternoon trips for ice cream, picnics at nearby parks, or visits to other family and friends, in order to give yourself a break from the demands of keeping a home.
How to Plan Your Week as a Homemaker: the Recap
Now that we have explored some ideas on how to plan your week as a homemaker, I hope that you find this information helpful in your own
I know all too well how enticing it can be to just try to wing it when it comes to keeping a home and caring for a family. The idea of planning your week was such an odd concept to me. But I also couldn’t figure out why it felt like week after week, I wasn’t accomplishing anything.
I felt like so much time was wasted, OR I was spending all my time on the housekeeping tasks, and only spending time with my children when we were homeschooling.
I was baffled. This wasn’t what I pictured when I left my career as a RN to stay home with my child! But guess what, in that first year or two after I became a stay at home mom, I had no idea there was an issue with my lack of planning.
I was mom to a toddler. She was the only one, and hadn’t even started pre-school yet. Life was easy breezy. Fast forward a few (ahem) years, and now we have 3 ones, with two in grade school. Suddenly life is much more busy.
This is exactly why a plan is important. Obviously you cannot plan for everything, but by having what you can control, under control, it makes it a lot easier to navigate life’s surprises.
one last thing…
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